Loneworking Professional Boundaries And Personal Safety V2
About The Course
Lone Working, Personal Safety and Breakaway
The Management of Actual and Potential Aggression (MAPA*)
Any organisation that supports vulnerable people must ensure that the rights and interests of clients are respected and that the work undertaken by staff fully reflects the organisation’s ethos. At the same time ensure staff feel protected and supported especially when they find themselves working on their own.
Using physical intervention should always be the last resort, however despite staff’s best efforts to diffuse a situation; there are occasions whereby physical assault occurs.
This course aims to equip staff with the knowledge and skills required to meet and maintain good lone working practice and manage their personal safety in potentially difficult or challenging situations.
The Breakaway training aims to deal with these threatening situations by teaching simple, easy to use techniques that will allow you to break away where de-escalation techniques have failed, and physical assault may be imminent and without harming attacker.
Who Should This Course Be For?
This course is suitable for anyone whose job role involves lone working with vulnerable adults or young people, whether it’s on a full-time, part-time or voluntary basis. The course is suitable for workers at all levels, including managers, supervisors, full-time staff and volunteers, and requires no pre-requisite knowledge.
The content is designed to encourage debate and discussion around your professional lone working practice This course also teaches practical skills around physical intervention and breakaway. During the training learners will:
- Define Lone Working in the context of relevant legislation, procedures and guidelines
- Map the risks that may be encountered in Lone Working and how to manage them in potential conflict situations
- Analyse hotspots and triggers in the lone working environment that may exacerbate challenging behaviour
- Explore how to effectively implement boundaries to maintain personal safety when lone working
- Be confident engaging in third-party intervention to manage confrontations between clients
- Be clear on mitigating risk including reporting on incidences and near misses
- Understand your organisations code of conduct and approach to implementing and managing professional boundaries.
- Be clear on the law around physical intervention, including common law guidance.
- Able to apply these techniques in line with company policy and code of conduct
- Able to identify situations that could escalate and stages to be- deployed before breakaway is used
- Able to mitigate the risk keep others safe and minimise any distressed cause to the aggressor.
Our team of experts are all qualified instructors in a mixture of martial arts and/ or are Security Industry Authority (SIA) Licensed Trainers