Commission Us


Why use our service?

Commission our work

Do you share our vision of a transforming communities through restorative approaches based on principles and processes that emphasize the importance of positive relationships as central to building community and repairing relationships when harm has occurred.

This we believe aids in the acceptance of cultural differences by offering an equitable process where all members of a community feel valued and heard, and in turn, are more likely to bring their best self to the community.

For more than a decade UpskillU have been trailblazing the use of evidence based therapeutic and behavioural science led methods, creatively combined with restorative practice.

We not only bring a wealth of “lived experience” but the highest standards in training and skills development within our team and across all services. The relatability of our workers and volunteers to our beneficiaries means we are able work with the hardest to reach and those at greatest risk. There are so many ways you can tap into this rich resource through commissioning our services.


For Social Housing Providers

We offer CPD accredited training for your staff, as well as qualified and experienced agency workers for holiday sick and emergency cover.

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For Local Authorities

We offer accredited staff training, specialist case workers and outreach staff/ volunteers, as well as Independent Clinical Supervision.

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For Training Providers

We have trained speakers with Lived Experience who can provide Live Case Study testimonial across a range of subjects to bring your courses to life.

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For Police and Health Services

We provide targeted outreach and place-based work. Emergency response, mediation and Appropriate Adult services


For Schools and Education

We provide PSHE curriculum designed prevention and early intervention in the form of group work, 1-1, sports-based programmes as well as targeted Restorative mentoring and support workers


For Prisons and the Secure Estate

We offer through the gate Support. Restorative Justice and Conferencing. Traineeships and employment opportunities for ex-offenders

We welcome the opportunity to explore how we can work together

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The SAFE Taskforce is a group of secondary schools invited to work together across local authority areas with other multi-agency structures and local experts, to support young people at risk of serious violence and exploitation and re-engage them in their education. The project is funded by DFE and sees Upskill providing targeted school-based mentoring and family therapy. Each student receives up 1 year worth of support.

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The Community Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV) is a multi-agency gang intervention programme designed to reduce gang violence and help those involved in gangs to live a life free of crime. Having been successful in Boston and Cincinnati in the USA, and in Glasgow, the Northamptonshire CIRV project is the first time the programme has been run in England. Upskill have been CIRV’s exclusive Community Partner delivering the EXODUS mentor partner EXODUS programme for the past 4 years



Is a partnership between Haringey Council and nine community-based organisations including UpskillU. Initially funded by the Mayor Young Londoners fund, then VRU and MOPAC the Multi-agency offering in Haringey has reached nearly 7,000 youngsters in three years. As part of the offering Upskill work with Haringey’s more complex high risk young people



The NFL Foundation UK is the charitable arm of the NFL within the UK The Foundation aims to tackle inequality and lack of opportunity for 11-20yr olds in underserved communities across the UK through its sports-based programmes. In partnership with the NFL Foundation UK, Upskill U has launched a schools based intervention. EXODUS-NFL Flag combining Restorative groupwork with non-contact



Oakhill Secure Training Centre is a secure facility for boys aged between 12 and 18 years old. The centre provides a safe and secure environment where they can begin to deal with the significant issues that have led them to be placed in custody. The facility which is being run by G4S has worked with Upskill when our EXODUS program has been delivered for more than 5 Years.



The Let’s Talk About it campaign is a project funded by Croydon council to tackle extremist ideology and hate by recruiting and training volunteers as Community Resilience Ambassadors The Ambassadors Drive on-going awareness in their communities, Provide information on pathways to support for those who have been a victim or witnessed any form of extremism and/or hate. & Develop individual social action projects and build community partnerships in order to tackle these issues