Gangs Syv And Cce Cours Outline

Gangs Syv And Cce Cours Outline

Instructor: admin 27 Feb, 2023
About The Course

Gangs, Serious Youth Violence (SYV) and

Child Crime Exploitation (CCE) Awareness

(1 Day Course)


This course enables professionals to develop a solid understanding of serious youth violence, knife crime, gangs and exploitation through county lines.

Throughout the training, you will be encouraged and supported to consider how your own practice can best address and support young people who are affected or at risk.

The course will incorporate a live case study/ testimony from a former gang member and victim of county lines exploitation.


By the end of the course participants will explore:

  • Definitions
  • The current gangs Landscape in the UK
  • Why people Join? (Recruitment, grooming and child crime exploitation).
  • Roles and Structure
  • Mental Health around SYV
  • Social Media and Drill Music
  • The evolution of county lines and organised criminal distribution of drugs
  • Recognise indicators that young people are being exploited for county lines
  • Examine the role of girls and young women including grooming, initiation and sexual exploitation.
  • Recognise early intervention opportunities.
  • Identify available support and resources for young people in your area.
  • Intervention and prevention signposting and referring to specialist services

Includes: Case Certificates and Training Resources


The Course Curriculam


46 Courses 12 Students
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