Equality Diversity And Unconscious Bias Course Outline V2
About The Course
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
(Understanding Unconscious Bias)
Course summary
The recent events in America and the Black Lives Matter movement has forced us all to challenge the very assumptions and orthodoxies upon which our society was built and in so doing to take a look at ourselves.
Equality, diversity and inclusion is everyone’s business. But the concepts can seem complex and even divisive. The terminology can be confusing and it is often hard to tell what it is or is not acceptable to do or say. You may want to do the right thing but be frightened of getting it wrong.
The course is intended for anyone, at any level and helps you understand your responsibilities for promoting equality and diversity in the workplace. The course provides a review of the Equality Act 2010, explains what is meant by discrimination, harassment and victimisation, and outlines each of the protected characteristics in detail, so that you can learn how to encourage equal opportunities and ensure discrimination is prevented.
Unconscious bias is something that affects everyone and sits at the heart of much of our discrimination and no one pretends that it is easily eradicated. But realising that it does exist and acknowledging the potential business risks it brings is a good starting point. Understand why and learn how unconscious bias can affect your decisions regarding recruitment, selection, leadership, motivation work and client relationships and more.
Its practical focus provides a common-sense understanding of how equality and diversity apply in everyday working life. The course come in two parts.
The first part focuses on
- Define what unconscious bias is
- Explore the psychology behind our thinking processes, the how and why unconscious biases are formed
- Explore the sociological model which explains how values systems are created in individuals and how this is links to individuals developing unconscious biases and discrimination
- Enable delegates to spot unconscious bias within themselves and/or within your organisation, and the possible impact of this on clients and colleagues
- Understanding Power and the role it plays in particular to generational systemic racism and oppression
- Discuss the concept of micro-aggressions, how micro-aggressions play out in everyday scenarios and how to overcome these
- Discuss why we all need to be aware of unconscious bias, particularly in our sector
- Explore how awareness of unconscious bias can support your organisation’s values and equality and diversity strategy and goals
- Look at the tools and strategies one can use to manage unconscious biases.
- Implicit racial bias and the anatomy of institutional racism
The second part focuses on
- What equality, diversity and inclusion mean to you and your current concerns and issues
- the Law and how it applies to you
- the protected characteristics (such as race, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation) and issues associated with them
- everyday equality situations and how to handle them
- common myths, misunderstandings and mistakes to avoid
- how to make your work and workplace more inclusive
- when and how to challenge behaviour and assumptions
- how to use language appropriately
- a toolkit of practical hints and tips to give you the confidence to get it right